Year 10 Design and Visual Communication

Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mr R. Harlow, Mrs J. Johnston.

Year 10 Design and Visual Communication students develop a range of skills over the course of the semester through a range of Product and Spatial design, using Visual Communication to address how design ideas and outcomes are appropriately presented to a viewer. Product design focuses on the development of tangible items that have a specific function within people's everyday lives. Spatial design is about the designing of three-dimensional spaces in terms of how they are experienced, occupied, or used by people.  

Skills covered in this course:

  • Design Thinking (creative and critical thinking)
  • Problem Solving
  • Sketching
  • CAD modeling
  • Rendering
  • Photo rendering 
  • Presentation
  • Drawing Board skills
  • Design Heritage

This DVC is also complementary to Design Technology in year 10. 

Any inquiries contact Mrs Johnston or Mr Harlow

Approximate Costs and Equipment/Stationery

Cost $15 for the equipment required for this course, which includes A3 drawing wallet, 30/60, and 45 degree set squares, 2 x 2H drawing pencils, eraser, 12 colour pencils A3 Grid paper. School orders this equipment and it will be provided in class.


Career Pathways