This course requires 2 options.
Level 1 Mathematics
Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Blissett.
This course is designed for students wishing to progress in Mathematics and/or Statistics either as a study in itself, or as a help to other subjects that use/require Mathematical & Statistical reasoning and ability. Learning involves the foundation skills for Level 2 Mathematics, Calculus and Statistics.
Up to 4 of the new NCEA level 1 Achievement standards will be on offer for students. All students will work through the new 1.1 and 1.2 internal standards and then pick one or both of the 1.3, 1.4 or Numeracy external standards to complete for the rest of the year. Up to 20 Achievement Standard credits will be attainable by the end of the year with the recommended amount being 15 Credits.
Students who are yet to attain the Numeracy co-requisite will also be given opportunities to sit this throughout the year.
This course progresses on to Level 2 Mathematics with Flexibility.
Subject Overview
Term 1
Working towards Internal Standards 91944 and 91945.
Term 2
Working towards Internal Standards 91944 and 91945.
Term 3
Working towards either AS 91946 or AS 91947 or Numeracy CAA.
Term 4
Working towards either AS 91946 or AS 91947
Recommended Prior Learning
Junior Mathematics achieving at 4P or higher with recommendation from Yr10 Maths teacher
Approximate Costs and Equipment/Stationery
Students will need the following stationary:
2x 1E8 exercise book
Scientific Calculator (Tech.Inc 991ES or Casio FX82AU recommended)
Internet & typing capable device
Pens (Blue/Black)
Assessment Information
Students will attempt the two Internal Achievement Standards, 91944 and 91945 shown above. They will then have the option of sitting either one or two of External standards, 91946 or 91947.I addition, any students who have not yet attained the Numeracy Co-Requisite, will be afforded this opportunity.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
This course is approved for University Entrance.
Apply mathematics and statistics in a range of everyday situations
Mathematics and Statistics 1.1 - Explore data using a statistical enquiry process
Mathematics and Statistics 1.2 - Use mathematical methods to explore problems that relate to life in Aotearoa New Zealand or the Pacific
Mathematics and Statistics 1.3 - Interpret and apply mathematical and statistical information in context
Mathematics and Statistics 1.4 - Demonstrate mathematical reasoning