Year 10 Dance
Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Miss M. Nixon.
This course will develop your technical skills in movement and performance, as well as develop your dance vocabulary. You will focus on specific elements of dance and choreographic devices to enrich your kete of knowledge.
Year 10 dance also involves a cultural dance unit and teaching opportunities to younger students in our community.
Dance is a performing art, and therefore your creativity will be challenged as you learn to grow your confidence, fitness and self-expression.
Performance opportunities will be given and attendance may be required for assessment.
Come and learn new skills as part of a supportive class environment!
Check out the 2023 dance recital:
Recommended Prior Learning
Knowledge of the dance elements (Year 9 Dance)
Ideally, experience and interest in fitness or dance outside of school
Assessment Information
There are two assessments year 10 dance:1. Dance Performance, this assesses the 'Practical Knowledge' and 'Communicating Ideas' parts of the NZ Curriculum. This assessment is completed as a group dance for a selected audience (this may be dance recital).
2. Dance Choreography, this assesses the 'Developing Ideas and Understanding Context' parts of the NZ Curriculum. This assessment is completed as a in small groups for a selected audience. Students show understanding of a dance style and choreography tools.