Year 9 Technology

Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs L. Teague-Schellekens.

This course is a progression of the Technology Curriculum from Years 7 and 8. It provides the learning for vocational and academic pathways and begins the development of knowledge that is required for specific subjects that make up the Technology Learning Area. Year 9 Technology (9TEC) is divided into four intensive ten-week taaster courses covering four of the five Technology learning areas:

  1. Materials Technology (TEM) develops basic design workshop skills  to design, model and construct a small workshop construction project.
  2. Foods (TEF/TEH) covers basic skills, to ensure quality food product are produced, with the emphasis of cooking for their family. We specifically focus on scaffolding skills required for the next level.
  3. Design and Communication (DVC) works to develop and equip students with the basic visual design skills required for communicating design ideas and applying these to a design problem.
  4. Digital (DGT) covers basic digital skills using google suite that are useful through out school and life. Computational thinking continues to be developed through the use of coding in 'Minecraft' which helps to develop skills in problem solving and critical thinking.

The fifth subject branch of Technology is Textiles (Soft Materials) - However, Textiles is not introduced until Year 10, as an option subject. It does not require any prerequisite, but interest and passion for fashion and design makes it a logical reason to choose it in year 10. Year 10 Textiles (TXT) introduces the basic technological skills using soft materials (fabrics) to design, plan, test and follow the plan to create a workable, successful outcome. 

Approximate Costs and Equipment/Stationery

Food Technology cost $55 for take home food prepared in class
DVC - no charge
Materials cost $30 for the take home component of the course
Digital Technologies - no charge

We are BYOD - Workbooks will be provided through our digital platform - Google suite in Google classroom


Career Pathways