Riccarton High School Riccarton High School

Level 2 Visual Art Design

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms A. Blackwell.

Recommended Prior Learning

Level 1 Art 

This course leads to: Level 3 Art Design

Level 2 Design introduces students to a new field in Art which focuses on the development of creative outcomes and ideas using the design process. The course seeks to develop the student’s understanding of methods, ideas, and conventions specific to Design, including the use of computer programs Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create final design outcomes. 

Students will learn how to generate and develop independent creativity, building lateral and in-depth thinking skills, which are transferable to other disciplines across the arts and other subject disciplines. Students will learn how to develop company branding and identity, making interactive design such as posters, interactive billboards and some (through choice) can create promotional moving image sequence using Adobe video editing software such as Premier Pro, After Effects and Photoshop.

Students work on their external folio work throughout the year. 

Does this course provide a pathway to University Entrance? Yes



The maximum number of credits available to students is 20.

Subject Overview

Term 1
Introduction to design and experimental mark-making in a range of media. Free Star Funded Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop training are provided as two full day workshops onsite at our kura - by a Yoobee Kaiako.
This learning also continues in class as part of the course.

Term 2
Development of a poster design for the internal achievement standards. A trip to Yoobee for Star Funded Adobe Photoshop training.
This learning also continues in class as part of the course.

Term 3
Individual program working towards completion of external portfolio.

Term 4
Individual program working towards completion of external portfolio.

Learning Areas:

Ngā Toi - Arts

Assessment Information

In this course students will be assessed for a minimum of two internal assessment standards and will then go on to create an external portfolio submission. If they opt out of the portfolio they may be offered an additional internal assessment opportunity.


Level 3 Visual Art Design, Level 3 Visual Art Photography

					Approximate Costs and Equipment/Stationery

Cost $40.00 for specialised equipment and stationery pack. This pack will be issued in class.