Year 10 Food

Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.

Subject Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs A. Schwass.

In this course, we explore the fascinating world of health and nutrition with a fun food twist. We'll build on the cooking and organisational skills you started developing in Year 9. Throughout the course, we'll help you become a pro at trying, planning and creating tasty, healthy meals that are just right for growing teens like you, all while understanding how it affects your well-being (we know it as Hauora).

And here's the best part: You'll get to roll up your sleeves and cook in two hands-on sessions each week for the first term and the second term we will follow a rotating 2xpractical/1xTheory one week followed by 1xpractical/2xTheory the next week and so on. These practical lessons will give you the skills you need to cook up a storm on your own. The extra theory in the second term of the semester will increase your knowledge, ready for Level 1.

By the end of the course, you'll be well on your way to becoming a star in the world of Food and Nutrition and Hospitality. You'll have a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to shine in these exciting areas.

Approximate Costs and Equipment/Stationery

Cost $100 for take home food prepared in class
