Market Research Analyst Kaitātari Rangahau Hokohoko

Market research analysts collect and analyse data and information, write reports, and make recommendations to their clients based on their research.

Market research analysts may do some or all of the following:

  • discuss research topics, methods and objectives with clients
  • do background research on the topic
  • design, organise, and manage surveys
  • conduct interviews with groups or individuals to find out the public's opinion on a topic such as a company's products
  • supervise survey staff
  • analyse and evaluate data and information from a variety of sources
  • write and present reports and recommendations to clients.

Useful Experience

Useful experience for market research analysts includes:

  • advertising
  • marketing
  • research
  • analytics.

Personal Qualities

Market research analysts need to be:

  • good at written and verbal communication
  • good at listening
  • able to translate complex information into simple language
  • organised and accurate
  • able to work in a team
  • good at problem solving
  • able to keep information private.


Market research analysts need to have knowledge of:

  • questionnaire design
  • survey and interview methods
  • research methods
  • data collection and analysis methods
  • marketing techniques.


Market research analysts:

  • usually work regular business hours, but may also work evenings and weekends
  • generally work in offices
  • may travel locally, nationally or internationally to meet with clients, run focus groups, or attend training and conferences.

Subject Recommendations

NCEA Level 3 is required to enter tertiary training. Useful subjects include social studies, English and maths.

Market Research Analysts can earn around $48K-$70K per year.

Pay for market research analysts varies depending on skills, experience, employer, and the type of work they do.

  • Market research analysts with one to two years' experience usually earn $48,000 to $55,000.
  • Market research analysts with two to five years' experience usually earn between $55,000 and $70,000.
  • Senior market research analysts with over five years' experience usually earn between $70,000 and $125,000.

Source: Ipsos, 2018; Perceptive, 2018; and Research Association New Zealand, 2018.

Market research analysts may progress to work in managerial or supervisory roles in market research agencies and other businesses – mainly larger corporations or government departments. Many also choose to work as contractors or start their own businesses.

Market research analysts may specialise in:

  • qualitative research – for example, organising face-to-face focus groups or interviews to collect public and business opinion about products, services, advertising campaigns or organisations
  • quantitative research – for example, analysing and interpreting surveys conducted through face-to-face interviewing, the telephone or the internet.

However, most employers expect market research analysts to be able to do both qualitative and quantitative research.

Years Of Training

3 years of training usually required.

To become a market research analyst you need a diploma or Bachelor's degree in an area such as: 

  • marketing
  • statistics
  • business studies or sociology
  • computer science
  • psychology.
Market Research Analyst