This course requires 2 options.
Level 1 English
Although next year timetables are yet to be finalised, course selection is now finished. Any changes to student courses will now take place in January.
Subject Description
Teacher in Charge: Miss T. Hawes.
Ko te reo te tuakiri
Ko te reo tōku ahurei
Ko te reo te ora
Language is my identity
Language is my uniqueness
Language is life
English is the study, use, and enjoyment of the English language, communicated orally, visually, and in writing, for a range of purposes and audiences and in a variety of forms. It is creative and critical, receptive and productive. In Aotearoa New Zealand, the study of English incorporates mātauranga Māori and considers our place in the Pacific. Student choice and voice are well established aspects of our programme, with ākonga selecting from three of the four standards, dependent on their strengths and interests.
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
English 1.1 - Demonstrate understanding of how context shapes verbal language use
English 1.2 - Demonstrate understanding of specific aspects of studied text
English 1.3 - Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions
English 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of significant aspects of unfamiliar texts